Paper Packaging Place

Printed Plastic Bags

Branded plastic bags can be used for various purposes, including retail packaging, promotions, events, and giveaways.  We offer low-density branded plastic bags with punched-out handles and they offer numerous advantages, from enhanced brand recognition to durability, versatility, and convenience.  Customers may reuse these bags for other purposes, extending the reach of your brand beyond the initial use. They are a valuable investment for businesses seeking to create a lasting impact, promote their brand, and provide customers with a positive shopping experience.

Punched-out handles make these bags easy to carry and handle, providing convenience for customers.


  • All our carrier bags come with punched out handles.
  • The minimum quantity will depend on the size, thickness and printing options selected.
  • Hi-res PDF Artwork is required for the costing of the printing plates.
(width x bottom gusset x height) These are our 3 standard sizes. More options are available on request.
Our bags are double the thickness at the handle for extra strength. The first number is the thickness of the material at the bottom of the bag, the second is the thickness at the top.
This is the number of colours you want printed on your bag

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